less than 1 minute read

I want to mention something that can help you to reduce the amount of error prone class hierachies in Python.

This module comes as a part of the Python Standard Library and it is named ABC.

This module is not going to assure you a bug-free code (I think that there is no single tool or technique that can guarantee that, do not forget that we live in a world that has no Silver Bullets) but it can assist you on detecting 2 types of errors quicker.

This errors are:

  • Instanciating an abstract class
  • Forgetting to write the code of an interface method

This extra safety can be quite useful given the fact that we don’t have a compiler taking care of those kind of things like if we were coding in a statically typed language. I know this doesn’t replace a compiler at all, but some extra help (or safety if you want to call it that way) is always welcomed.

Here you have an excelent introduction for this module.

PS: Thanks to Alejandro García Marra for spell checking and editing my posts.
